• May 5, 2024

Necessary (but forgettable) moving equipment

Moving, whether it’s from your current home to one in a new city, from an apartment to a house in the same city, or even moving your office to a new location requires a lot of work, especially when you decide to forego professional moves. You know you need boxes, packing materials (tape, labels, and paper / peanuts), and a truck. However, while these materials may be the most obvious, they are not the only equipment you will need. There are several other outfits that will make your move easier and less stressful, creating a happy memory rather than a stressful one.

1. Move pads and blankets. You can protect porcelain from your great aunts by carefully wrapping it in packing paper and boxing it. But how will you protect your antique porcelain sideboard? These large items (sideboards, tables, artwork) are often as fragile as the smaller items that are packed in boxes. Wrapping these items in moving blankets and pads will help protect them from getting damaged or scratched during the move.

2. Furniture covers. You may not worry about your favorite sofa or chair getting scratched during the move. But what if it’s raining outside while you’re trying to move in (or inside)? Furniture covers will help protect your furniture – chairs, bedspreads, mattresses, and even televisions – from the elements, and from muddy shoes and oily tools.

3. Move belts. Have you thought about how you will get your washer and dryer, stove or refrigerator out of the house? Unless you leave all your appliances, you will have to remove them from the house. These straps use leverage, not just physical force, to allow you to lift and move heavy and uncomfortable objects. These can also be used after you are fully relocated, in case you want to clean under the refrigerator or decide you want to place your washer and dryer on pedestals.

4. Cargo straps. Packing the truck takes a lot of work. Once you have everything in the truck, you need to make sure it is securely attached because the last thing you want is for a couple of boxes to fall when you hit a pothole or turn sharply. Hold the boxes and furniture firmly so that everything is right where you left it when you arrive at your new location.

Moving can be a hassle. But with the right moving equipment, it doesn’t have to be a huge headache.

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