Basketball history

The father of basketball, Dr. James Naismith came up with the game in 1892 and the first game was played in Beaver Falls Pennsylvania on April 8, 1893 between the New Brighton YMCA and Geneva College. The game was very popular and in 1914 up to 360 universities had basketball […]

My weekend at ChildHelp celebrity golf event

On my last trip to Palm Springs I had the opportunity to participate in the annual Childhelp Celebrity Golf Invitational at Porcupine Creek and the Indian Wells Golf Resort held every January in the California desert. Being an avid golfer, my friends and I formed a quartet that included actor, […]

What color kittens will my cat produce?

At one point, cat breeders assumed that by adding two cats together they would know which kittens would be produced and most of the time they were surprised by the results. This was because a cat’s coat color was thought to be dictated by a single gene, but modern developments […]