"Dewey" Book Review

Today I was talking to a librarian who showed me a book that she thought I might enjoy. She had mentioned that I like corner stories. This one had two stars, a librarian and a cat. The author Vicky Myron went through some difficult times. She overcame a divorce, welfare, […]

Rising Trends in Dog Parks

Dog parks are by far one of the top features on the wish list of city and community parks. Dog parks can be wonderful additions to a community, either as an addition to an existing community park or as a stand-alone park specifically for dogs. People who are considering building […]

Raising a high maintenance child

Do you have a high maintenance child? “Thank God my second child wasn’t born first. I would have stopped at a boy if it was my first,” said a mother at a recent parenting seminar. Many parents can identify with this sentiment. Nature has a way of evening the score […]